Tuesday, March 8, 2016

They Say To Write What You Know

But I don't have any particular area of expertise. Certainly not parenting. Or writing. Or not eating cheese twice daily. But here's what I know:
  • Cheese is fantastic. Melting it on tortilla chips and topping it with jalapeƱos, hot salsa and sour cream is even more fantastic.
  • Fantasticer is not a word; nor is fantasticker. 
  • Amazing is an overused word, especially on The Bachelor.
  • I'm not saying I do or don't watch The Bachelor, but I think you should watch the TV shows you enjoy watching, whether or not they're "critically acclaimed" or "horrible commentaries on humankind." 
  • Let's pretend I did watch The Bachelor; this hypothetical me would also watch Ray Donovan and Game of Thrones to balance out my TV diet. 
  • Speaking of diets, you may think you can still eat cheese twice a day without consequences like you did when you were 22 and living in a Taylor Swift song but you will be wrong. 
  • If you have to choose between cheese and your 22 year-old body, choose cheese. 
  • "Choose cheese" would be a great tagline.
  • You can't write a whole blog about cheese just because you really like it. 
  • Google and IMDB have made our brains lazy. It used to be that you would say, "What else was she in?" and then rack your brain for five minutes and then remember. Now we never rack our brains so we don't remember as much. Except for that lady who had to put the lotion on her body in Silence Of The Lambs; I recognize her in everything. I'm sorry, Brooke Smith.
  • You will never change someone's opinion on a hot button issue by getting into a Facebook discussion with them about it. You will, however, raise your blood pressure and alarm everyone around you with your red-faced speed typing. 
  • Motherhood is simultaneously the best and worst thing that can happen to a woman. I documented some of the best moments in a blog last summer. 
  • I recently got called the "worstest mom in the whole world" by one of my own children. But hey, what awards have you won lately? 
  • The most embarrassing moment of your life will one day be one of your funniest stories. 
  • Some people know when to end things, but I am not one of them.
This is my first post on my new blog, but contrary to how it must certainly seem, it's not my first blog post. I write for my agency blog (and also wrote for my old agency blog), ghostwrite my kids' blog, I wrote about our summer at home last year, and I used to (and still do occasionally) blog under an alias with my best friend. So really, I should be better at this by now. 

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